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Why should you consider having a fountain?


Cats prefer drinking from moving water, which is why you may often find your kitty drinking from your faucet. I know that my 5 furry crew much prefer their fountains than drinking from a regular water bowl.  Cats can be prone to urinary crystal formation because their urine can be very concentrated, which helps them preserve body water.  Helping your kitties to drink more water helps dilute their urine and stop crystal and stone formation.  This can reduce problems with urinary infections, kidney stones and kidney failure. The majority of us also feed our furry family dry food rather than wet which means that they need extra fluid to compensate. Basically more fluid means more pee, which we all know is a good thing!!!

Why should you consider a Ceramic Fountain?

My kitties have had fountains for years. I started with plastic and then switched to stainless steel as I thought that it was a healthier option for my crew.  They all worked pretty well, providing fresh running water.  However, both types got really gunky, really quickly, and were a real pain to clean.  On researching other options, I found that ceramic fountains were a better choice.  Plastic can get scratched very easily and will hide bacteria that it very hard to remove.  Cats are prone to a condition called feline acne which results from coming into contact with the bacteria that can lurk unseen in scratches on plastic water and feed bowls.  The stainless steel fountains got very slimy, really quickly, and I ended up cleaning them every 2-3 days to ensure my kitties had decent drinking water.  In contrast, ceramic fountains are extremely easy to clean and harbor less bacteria than the alternatives.

Why should you consider having a fountain?


Cats prefer drinking from moving water, which is why you may often find your kitty drinking from your faucet. I know that my 5 furry crew much prefer their fountains than drinking from a regular water bowl.  Cats can be prone to urinary crystal formation because their urine can be very concentrated, which helps them preserve body water.  Helping your kitties to drink more water helps dilute their urine and stop crystal and stone formation.  This can reduce problems with urinary infections, kidney stones and kidney failure. The majority of us also feed our furry family dry food rather than wet which means that they need extra fluid to compensate. Basically more fluid means more pee, which we all know is a good thing!!!

Some happy Customers!

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